Order Allow,Deny Deny from all Order Allow,Deny Deny from all Dress to Impress at an English Horse Show | Reveal Equestrian

Once you make the decision to show your horse in an English horse show, you must understand that the way you dress can help determine how well you do in the show. Dressing to impress the judges is very important because they will be factoring this into their overall scoring. When you are deciding what type of outfit you want to wear, it is best to choose one that is conservative, clean, and simple. Your outfit and boots should be well pressed and polished, as this shows that you are being respectful to the judges and those that are organizing the show.

After you have decided to be in an English horse show, it is also important to understand the different styles. The three existing styles are the hunter class, jumper class, and dressage.

The Hunter Class

The hunter class is typically judged on the rider’s style, movement, and conformation of the horse. Within the hunter class there is a show hunter, which rides on flat ground, and the working hunter, which typically jumps over fences. When it comes to what the rider should wear in the hunter class, the English rules tend to allow a little room for creativity. The traditional black velvet helmet must still be worn, but jackets, shirts, and pants can have patterns and fun colors.

The Jumper Class

The jumper class is judged differently from the hunter class and is solely based on the judges personal opinion. The winner will always have the fastest and cleanest technique, regardless of what their style is. Similar to a hunter rider, the jumper rider wears a helmet and boots, but the jacket is slightly different. In this case, there is less creative freedom and the jacket must be of a shorter length. It is best to choose colors and patterns that are neutral and compliment each other. The rider can also choose if they want to wear dress or field boots with half chaps. If the rider has long hair, it should be in a net or bun to avoid having anything dangling out of their helmet during the ride.


Dressage is one of the equestrian sports that requires the most skill because the horse and rider must perform a memorized series of movements. Since dressage is such a highly regarded sport, the uniform is extremely traditional. There is little to no room for creativity with your outfit and you must look as put together as possible. While you are riding there should be no movement in your apparel, everything must stay in its place. Makeup should also be as simple as possible to avoid any distraction from the horse and the rider. The rider’s helmet should be the ASTM approved traditional black velvet. It is also best to choose a jacket that is either navy blue or black, with a simple white shirt.

If you have any questions about how to dress for your upcoming shows, our trainers at Reveal Equestrian can help answer them! We train eventing and dressage for equestrians in San Juan Capistrano, CA. With years of experience under their belt, you can feel secure knowing you are getting expert advice.

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