Order Allow,Deny Deny from all Order Allow,Deny Deny from all 5 Tips for Equestrians Riding on San Juan Capistrano Trails

Tips for Equestrians Riding: Southern California is a beautiful place to ride horses and practice equestrian sports. At Reveal Equestrian, our San Juan Capistrano equestrians have the opportunity to train at our incredible facility and enjoy gorgeous views on local trails as well. If you have never ridden around San Juan Capistrano before, here are a few tips from our talented team at Reveal Equestrian

1. Watch out for wild animals

While there aren’t too many wild animals out and about during the day, there is a possibility that you may see a raccoon, wildcat, or snake. Raccoons are mostly harmless. Keep your horse still if you see a wildcat as it will chase you if you move. For snakes, lead your horse back to safety, so it doesn’t spook. It’s important to stay calm throughout the ordeal, so your horse doesn’t become erratic and buck you!

2. Don’t drink water from the Trabuco Creek

Unless one of the trainers specifically tells you that the water from Trabuco Creek is okay to drink, don’t let your horse drink water from it. Sources of water in the wild can easily become contaminated. It’s better to make sure your horse is well hydrated from a trusted water source before your ride. 

3. Avoid dismounting on steep trails

San Juan Capistrano can get a little hilly, which is really what makes it so fun to ride! However, it’s important for you to avoid dismounting on steep trails. The ground may farther away from you than you think and it could throw off your horse’s balance. If you injure yourself on the trail, it may take a while for you to ride all the way back to our equestrian center. Find an even part of the ground to step off to stay safe. 

4. Stay on the trail

This may seem obvious, but some riders get the idea that they’re professional enough to go off the trail. Uncharted territory could include poisonous or spiky shrubs and homes of other animals. Deviating from the path could be dangerous not only to you but also to your horse. Have a map on hand, so you can navigate the trails correctly. 

5. Keep to one side of the path

While the San Juan Capistrano trails are mostly filled with equestrians, there are some hikers and their dogs that may be wandering in the area. Be considerate and stay on one side of the path, so they have space to maneuver as well. Most people and dogs are harmless, but it never hurts to stay on the safe side!

At Reveal Equestrian, we will usually accompany new riders along the trails, so they feel safe in case of an emergency. If you’re a first time rider, here’s what you can expect at your first horseback riding lesson! To book a lesson at Reveal Equestrian in San Juan Capistrano, give us a call. We love meeting new horse enthusiasts!

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