Order Allow,Deny Deny from all Order Allow,Deny Deny from all What to Feed Your Horse | Reveal Equestrian San Juan Capistrano, CA

A common misconception about horses is that their only food group is hay, along with the occasional carrot or apple. The truth is quite the opposite, horses have very special dietary requirements and their stomachs process food much differently than any other animal. As herbivores, horses need a lot of fiber in their diets, but they cannot consume it in large quantities. Instead of eating three large meals a day like humans do, it is much better for horses to eat many small meals throughout the day. Below is a list of foods that your horse can eat!

Grass and Plants

The largest food group that horses eat is grass and specific plants. If the pasture grass is of good quality, it contains most of the nutrition that your horse needs. Horses that live in the wild can survive off of small portions of pasture grass with less ideal living conditions than horses in captivity. Pasture grass has nutrients like silica, which is important for a horse’s dental health. It is important to limit the amount of fresh grass that horses are fed, because if it is introduced too suddenly it can cause health problems.


Pasture grass is not always readily available throughout the year for your horses, but the next best option is hay! As easy it is to find hay, not all of it is created equal nor is it always good quality. If you choose to feed your horse hay, it is a good idea to get it tested to see the levels of vitamins that it contains. If the hay is lacking a specific vitamin or mineral, you can compensate by feeding your horse supplements.


While horses cannot eat all types of grains, there are very specific ones that they can be fed in small amounts. For example, oats are a great example of a grain that horses can eat. They can also eat corn, but only in small quantities due to how difficult it is to digest. You should avoid giving your horse wheat at all costs, as it is not good for them. Since grains are not usually found in their natural environment, modern horses can easily eat too much. Eating too many grains can be an issue because it can lead to ulcers, colic, or even founder.

Minerals and Salt

Minerals and salt can sometimes be mixed into a horses food mix, but it can also be given to them separately. If it is not included in the food mix, a salt block can be placed in a horse’s pen whenever they have the craving for it. Depending on how you would like to feed your horse, they can have their salt mixed in with minerals or in the grains they eat. Typically, horses tend to consume more salt during the summer than in the winter.

Keeping your horse strong and healthy is extremely important if you are an equestrian rider. At Reveal Equestrian, we treat all our animals with the same respect and kindness we would with humans. Owning and riding a horse is a major responsibility, so make sure you are well educated about best practices for horseback riding and equine care. If you have any questions about what to feed your horse, give our experts at Reveal Equestrian in San Juan Capistrano a call at (203) 906-3479!

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